Radical Theory, Social Critiques and Human Liberation

About Us

The Brotherwise Dispatch kicked off in 2001 as a progressive Hip Hop webzine based in New York City with the explicit aim of developing critical modes of intellectual engagement grounded unapologetically in Hip Hop aesthetics as Black cultural resistance to Empire. By 2004, this original focus had run its course as our Hip Hop intellectual orientation began outpacing exclusively aesthetic and cultural concerns and grew towards a more radical intellectual trajectory of insurgent philosophy and Black liberation discourse.

Regular publication drastically slowed down during this transitional period between 2004 – 2009, after which The Brotherwise Dispatch reemerged in its contemporary mode as an independent quarterly journal focused on radical theory, social critique and emancipatory aesthetics.

The Brotherwise Dispatch does not express any official consolidated view, nor are we affiliated with any academic institution, religious tradition or partisan political organization: the philosophies, theories, commentaries, ideas, perspectives and views expressed within each issue are exclusively those of each corresponding writer, thinker and contributor.

The Brotherwise Dispatch is a grassroots publication run completely by intellectuals and artists loosely organized as an Editorial Cipher of volunteer staff who are concerned with developing a venue for rigorous intellectual activity free from formal academic settings. This as part of a sustained effort to cultivate critical perspectives for enhancing an understanding of human 'being' that aims at revealing potentialities in contributing discursively towards genuine struggles for human liberation.

The Brotherwise Dispatch is committed to embracing healthy discourse that engages in rigorous dialogue with both the academy and the streets without developing an overreliance on either towards an emancipatory relevance that transcends both. And although we clearly publish original contributions of radical thought from a wide variety of emerging new thinkers, we also rarely exercise any restraint with regards to revisiting classic insurgent discourse or republishing overlooked theoretical work whenever the need so arises.

The Brotherwise Dispatch refuses to sacrifice the quality of our discourse in the name of seeking a greater quantitative reach.

Questions, comments, thoughts and suggestions should be sent to

The Brotherwise Dispatch Editorial Cipher at

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